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Simply Sustainable Welcomes You

Let’s Succeed Together Towards a Sustainable Earth

Currently our Earth is being polluted and thus changing the nature of its environment, in order to change these effects, we must move toward a more sustainable lifestyle, and this will create a healthier world for generations to come.
I’ll provide you with sound advice and guidance. Take a look at my site and see all that we can achieve.

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What is Simply Sustainable?

Simply Sustainable is a movement to encourage the participation of sustainable ideas in architecture and practices for current communities to get involved in.  Ever since I have enrolled in Auburn University in 2018, I have focused my research and learning to find ways our built environment can benefit the Earth without compromising our future stability. I was inspired to create Simply Sustainable to bring awareness towards the effect that current unsustainable architectural decisions have on our planet, and to provide inspiration for architects and designers to think sustainable.
-Get in touch to start supporting sustainable practices today. 
Below is a link to the Simply Sustainable Facebook page, where you can follow to stay updated.

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Foggy Forest

Taking The Sustainability Path in Life

Being sustainable is taking action to protect the future population of Earth by using fewer natural resources in the present day. Living a sustainable lifestyle in an eco-friendly community can cause a positive effect on the Earth, by reducing the amount of CO2 emissions, waste, and energy used.
Designing sustainable buildings can help the human population to use less energy while supporting their lifestyle. Building sustainable includes; using less material in the design, designing resourcefully according to the environment, and incorporating energy efficient ideas.

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The Fate of The Earth

The rise in global temperature from increased use of burning coal, oil, natural gas, and deforestation, as well as, the atmospheric temperature increasing due the extreme state of Greenhouse-Gas Effect, causing the heat from the sun to be trapped in man-made pollution, must not be human's final impact to the earth.

Our current population is using up the natural resources that our Earth supplies. A large amount of resources are used in developing architectural districts and products.
Also, the lack of alternative resources provided by the United States government is the main reason why the Unites States CO2 emissions are so much higher than other countries.

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Sustainability in Architecture

Sustainable design choices provide simple solutions towards more energy efficient Green buildings. Architects can adapt their designs to the site’s surrounding to better benefit the building. By using sun orientation in order to reduce the amount of sunlight entering the building, causing overheated areas, providing shaded windows or clerestories for calm daylighting; even the color choice can reduce heat absorption from the sun, can all reduce the amount of energy spent on an air conditioner. Another design solution would be to use passive cooling, relying on natural ventilation to replace the demand of air conditioning, this design is extremely efficient for hot climates.

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 Effects of Architectural Decisions Towards The Planet

Things To Remember When Designing

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Sun Orientation

Making design choices according to the position of the sun. Such as avoiding large unshaded windows facing the East and West. This sustainable design choice reduces uneven overheated areas, thus, the need for excessive air-conditioning. This also allows room for solar panels.

Color Choice

Dark colors absorb heat. So, the black roofing, as seen on many buildings, actually heat the atmosphere and the building itself.  By using light colors, such as white, can be used to absorb a lot less sun rays. 
Also, the ling dark windows that your see on tall sky scrapers, they reflect the light towards the ground with, and in a city, the pavement is typically black too thus absorbing more eat creating a high temperature environment.

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Sustainable Community Goals

Committed to Green

Many systems of a green community are interconnected and interact with each other to affect the human living community and the environment. Those include public transportation, renewable energy system, water systems, food production, supply of products, and recycling waste. By working at a neighborhood scale, architects and developers can make a change in the district towards a more successfully sustainable performance and contribution in the community. Through environmental goals for future and eco-friendly stakeholders, these goals can be met within the neighborhood.

Sustainable communities can include shaded public areas, easy access to public transportation, safe dedicated walking areas, a grid road system to reduce distance needed to travel, public parks, district gardens, and renewable energy systems.

There are solutions for current districts who want to move towards a sustainable environment for their residents, and it all starts with an assessment of their possibilities and challenges. Before developing a Strategic Sustainability Plan, it is vital to first establish a vision, goals, and objectives.

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Home: Testimonials

The US Energy Information Administration stated that “buildings used 41% of all energy consumed in the US in 2008…”

Mouzon, Stephen A., and Robert Francis Kennedy. The Original Green: Unlocking the Mystery
of True Sustainability. Guild Foundation Press, 2010.

Contact Me

Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with? Contact me today and see how we can make it sustainable.

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